A Beginner’s Guide to Essential PHP Syntax

Getting Started with PHP Syntax

PHP is a versatile scripting language used for web development. Whether you're new to programming or transitioning from another language, understanding PHP's fundamental syntax is essential. In this guide, we'll explore the key syntax elements that form the foundation of PHP programming.

Table of Contents

1. Tags and Output
2. Variables and Data Types
3. Concatenation
4. Arithmetic Operators
5. Conditional Statements
6. Loops
7. Arrays
8. Functions
9. Superglobals
10. Include and Require

1. Tags and Output

PHP code is enclosed within `<?php` and `?>` tags. To display output, use the `echo` or `print` functions. For example, the code below displays the message "Hello, PHP!" on the webpage:

2. Variables and Data Types

Declare variables with the `$` symbol, followed by the variable name. PHP supports various data types like strings, integers, floats, and booleans. Here's how you can define and use variables:

3. Concatenation

Combine strings using the `.` operator. Here’s how concatenation works:
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